GUIDE TO - SHIRTS for Marching Band


UNIFORM /PERFORMANCE Shirt: This shirt will be provided. What you see above is our parade uniform now. The "shirt" we will wear during the competitions will replace the tops and hats in this picture. 

Every year we are trying to "step it up" and the current trend is to have shirts that match your show. I will post a photo of this years performance shirt when they come in. 

The Color guard gets new uniforms and flags to go with each year's program. We recycle the guard uniforms through special companies that resell them for us thus using your donations wisely. 


This shirt is used for competitions to wear UNDER our parade uniforms and our performance shirts. 


BLACK BAND Shirt: Our GAME day shirt to be worn under our uniforms. 

It is for game days so that they don't have to wear a sweaty shirt under their uniforms if they perform the next day at competition


Parade Uniform: This will be provided. The hat and uniform top you see above is our parade uniform now

Every year we are trying to "step it up" and the current trend is to have shirts that match your show every year instead of a formal top. The "formal" uniforms we have will be used during parades to keep our performance shirts clean and in good repair. The Color guard will wear their performance uniform as these are new each year they are not fitted for "formal" uniforms. 



SEASON Shirt: The optional shirt you can purchase to support the band and savor the memories. 

It has the logo for the current season on it to remember the season by as well as sponsorship logos. This can be purchased through the "store" which we send out links for at the start of the season.  The students get a shirt for free. Parents will need/WANT to purchase their own.


Blue BAND Shirt: This shirt you may have heard reference to as a shirt to wear at the start of the season before our uniform shirts come in

It is an optional shirt at this point and will be given to the students if needed.